Easy Care Plants

504 products

Are you looking to get into the world of houseplants but not quite sure where to start? Or perhaps you’re looking for the perfect houseplant gift for that busy new mum? Our huge range of easy-care plants make owning houseplants a breeze!

These hard-to-kill houseplants are perfect for those who worry about difficult plant care. From the classics including Jade Plant, Prayer Plants and ZZ plant to new popular plants ranging from Adenium Desert Rose to Dischidia platyphylla, this collection has something for everyone. 

At House of Kojo, we’re passionate about helping you find the perfect houseplant for your home, as well as giving you detailed instructions on how to care for them. Under each plant listing on our website, you’ll find just this! A paperless care guide for you to refer back to time and time again. 

And, when it is time for the spring repot, you can choose from our large range of indoor plant care products that have been tried, tested and approved by us.